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About Us

The Missouri River Natural Resources Committee (MRNRC) is a consortium of state and federal biologists with fish and wildlife management responsibilities for the river.

Our Story

The Missouri River Natural Resources Committee (MRNRC) was formed in 1987 by state fish and wildlife agencies in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri who have statutory management responsibility for public trust natural resources.

MRNRC's Mission is to promote and facilitate the preservation, conservation, and enhancement of the natural resources of the Missouri River System. Non-voting representatives include the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Power Administration, and the National Park Service.

MRNRC objectives include:
1) identifying and prioritizing issues of concern in the Missouri River System for cooperative resource management,
2) formulating plans and programs for carrying on cooperative research and management studies,
3) improving coordination, communication, and cooperation among entities responsible for natural resource management on the Missouri River, and
4) encouraging implementation of actions to preserve, conserve, and enhance natural resources of the Missouri River System.

Meet The Executive Committee

List of Past Missouri River Natural Resources Committee Conferences


The Missouri River Natural Resources Committee holds an annual conference that rotates location by state. Each location within a state is selected to represent the Missouri River in a unique way and events are organized to provide accommodations that could suit most members.

Year       Location                           Theme

1997        Columbia, Missouri                 Missouri River: Past, Present, Future

1998        Nebraska City, Nebraska       The Floodplain of the Future

1999        Pierre, South Dakota               Sustaining the Missouri River for Future Generations

2000        Bismarck, North Dakota         Missouri River Management: It’s Everybody’s Business        


2001        Great Falls, Montana              2001: A Missouri River Odyssey

2002        South Sioux City, Nebraska  Big River Science-Meeting the Challenge of Change

2003        Atchison, Kansas                     Restoring the “Butifull Praree & Timber Deversity”

2004        Columbia, Missouri                 Rediscovering Missouri River Connections 

2005        Pierre, South Dakota               Many Voices, One Horizon

2006        South Sioux City, Nebraska  Collaborating in the Current (joint meeting with River Management Society)

2007        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Adapting to Adaptive Management

2008        Nebraska City, Nebraska       From a Healthy Ecosystem to a Healthy Economy: A River in Transition

2009        Billings, Montana                     Beyond the Bend

2010        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Missouri River “A Climate for Change”    

2011        Nebraska City, Nebraska       The Missouri River: On the Road to  Recovery

2012        Pierre, South Dakota              The Big Muddy: What have We Learned?

2013        Jefferson City, Missouri         Beyond the Banks


2014        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Understanding the Landscape

2015        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Year of the River

2016        Great Falls, Montana              Challenges and Opportunities of Connecting People and the River

2017        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Habitat: The Pathway to Recovery

2018        Nebraska City, Nebraska       More Than Just a River Runs Through It

2019        Pierre, South Dakota               Missouri River: The Ever Evolving Riverscape

2020                                                       No Conference Due to Pandemic

2021                                                       No Conference Due to Pandemic


2022        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Missouri River: Ebbs & Flows


2023        Helena, Montana                     25th Annual Conference: Silver (Chub) Anniversary


2024        Nebraska City, Nebraska       Missouri River Resiliency for Changing Conditions


2025        Columbia, Missouri                 Flowing Towards Better Habitat​

List of Past Missouri River
Champion Award Winners


The Missouri River Champion Award recognizes individuals or groups that have made significant contributions to the enhancement, preservation, or protection of the Missouri River ecosystem and the fish, wildlife, and other natural resources dependent upon it. 

Year        Name                                       

1997         Bill Mauck - U.S. Geological Survey                       

2002         Douglas Bereuter-NE       

2004         Roger Collins - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
   Jim Milligan - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


2005         Tom Daschle - U.S. Senator-SD                   


2006         W. Don Nelson - Chief of Staff to NE Gov. Bob Kerrey,  Director for Sen. Ben Nelson-NE            

2007         Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

                    Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

                    Neosho National Fish Hatchery - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

                    Blind Pony Fish Hatchery - Missouri Department of Conservation

2008         Tom Gengerke - Iowa Department of Natural Resources

                    John Cooper - South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks

2009         Mike Olson - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

                    Tony Dean - Outdoor Communicator from SD

2010         Mick Sandine - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

                    Glen Covington - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

2012         Jim Riis - South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks
                    David Pope - Missouri River Association of States and Tribes 

2013         Larry Hesse - Rivers Corporation, Inc. 
                    BG John McMahon - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


2014         Dr. Robert Klumb - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

2015         Mike George - Ducks Unlimited    

2016         Gene Zuerlein - Nebraska Game & Parks Commission

2018         Steve Schnarr - Missouri River Relief

2019         Gerald Mestl - Nebraska Game & Parks Commission

2022         Don Skaar - Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks


2023         Mark Drobish - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

                    Dr. Vince Travnichek - Missouri Department of Conservation


2024         Steve Adams - Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks

                    Dr. David Galat - University of Missouri


2025         TBD


List of Past Recipients of the
Dr.  Robert A. Klumb Memorial
Student Travel Grant


The Dr. Robert A. Klumb Memorial Travel Scholarship was established in memory of "Dr. Rob", former Project Leader for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Adjunct Associate Professor at South Dakota State University, and provides financial assistance for deserving students to attend the annual MRNRC Conference.

Rob was an exceptional colleague and friend whose life tragically ended on July 8, 2013 in Pickstown, South Dakota. A Wisconsin native, Rob received his B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1990 and his M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 1997. Rob joined the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University in 1997 where he studied bioenergetics and near-shore habitat use by larval and juvenile alewife at the Cornell Biological Field Station, earning his Ph.D. in 2003. In 2002, Rob joined the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Pierre, South Dakota as a Fisheries Research Biologist and was promoted to Project Leader of the Great Plains Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office in 2009. Rob was a talented biologist who led a variety of research projects on fishes of the Missouri River. In addition to his federal job duties, Rob also served as an Adjunct Associate Professor at South Dakota State University, where he played a fundamental role in coordinating federal research needs with student education.

Colorful, energetic and always positive, Rob was inspirational to students and colleagues. He always took the time to avail himself to other people to help them in their professional and personal endeavors. As a mentor, he led by example, and his hands-on approach earned him a large and loyal group of colleagues. His legacy will live on in the example he set for students and future professionals. Rob’s passion for science, politics and Milwaukee-made beer ran deep and wide. His inclusiveness and open-mindedness extended to both his work and his social life, and he will be remembered for the enthusiasm he exhibited in his approach to both. From the technicians that worked under his guidance to the students he mentored to the colleagues he left behind, his loss leaves a big void in the fisheries community.

Year               Name                                       


2015-2021     *Working to compile recipients list*


2022                 Maria Erceg - South Dakota State University

                           Allison Pardis - Fort Hays State University


2024                 Matt Chambers - University of Georgia

                           Kimberly Magnuson - University of South Dakota

                           Katherine Millman - South Dakota State University

                           Jenna Ruoss - University of Nebraska

                           Zachary Schild - University of South Dakota 


2025                 TBD

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